Under Counter Fridge Beko

Under counter refrigerators are an excellent solution for your kitchen no matter if you’re a wine lover, need additional space to store drinks or simply need more fridge space. Pick from a range of panel-ready or built-in refrigerator models with different features and temperature controls.

Keep your favourite foods fresher for longer using Beko’s IonGuard technology. It is activated by blue LED lights that preserve vitamins and tastes.

Space Saving Design

If you’re looking for a small storage space for a refrigerator or simply require a sleek, energy-efficient appliance, an undercounter refrigerator beko is a great option. These compact fridges are available in different sizes and designs which makes it easy to find the right one for your kitchen arrangement. Beko refrigerators are available in different finishes, including black, stainless steel and panel-ready. They can be seamlessly integrated into your kitchen due to their sophisticated aesthetics and superior food preservation abilities.

The one-of-a-kind Beko brand of home appliances is now available in the United States, bringing with it an array of high-tech sophisticated features and reliable performance that instantly elevates your kitchen arrangement. Their refrigerators come with ample storage space to store fresh foods and advanced technology for food preservation to keep your vegetables, fruits and other vegetables at their peak.

This stunning Beko French door refrigerator is the highest level of design and utility. Its gorgeous stainless-steel finish is complemented by plentiful storage capabilities and premium features like NeoFrost Dual Cooling Technology, EverFresh+ drawers, photosynthesis-activating Active Fresh blue light, and odor-eliminating IonGuard technology.

The model also features a sleek and compact counter-depth design that makes it easy to integrate into kitchen cabinets for an uncluttered look. This fridge is ENERGY STAR-certified and energy-efficient, which will allow you to save on your monthly bills for utilities.

Glass Shelves that can be adjusted Shelves

The glass shelves and door racks are adjusted to any height, making them ideal for storage of food, drinks, and snacks. You can also keep your fresh fruits and vegetables in the large drawer for crispers. You can also use the freezer compartment that is built-in with four stars to store frozen foods. The refrigerator freezer is automatically defrosts, and removes any ice from the back wall for your convenience.

This Beko refrigerator freezer is designed to be simple to use. It has a practical front door that is reversible and can be customized to fit the layout of your kitchen. Separate cooling systems are employed for the refrigerator and freezer so that humidity levels can be optimized and freshness to be protected. Antibacterial door seals help prevent bacteria from spreading so that food stays fresh and healthy.

This under the counter fridge with icebox counter fridge offers plenty of storage space for frozen and fresh food with an 89ltr capacity. The chrome-plated wine rack is great for storing your favorite drinks, holding up to five 2-litre soft drink or wine bottles. The shelf height can be raised to accommodate taller items. The antibacterial door seals protect your food from harmful germs. The freezer has a high A+ energy rating that will help you save money on your electric bill.

Four Star Freezer Compartment

Undercounter refrigerators make a great addition to any kitchen, because they can accommodate beverages or food items in a small space. They’re usually placed beneath counters or between cabinets and come with a variety of options for storage, including wine coolers, beverage centers and refrigerator drawers. The size of your home and the type of drinks you’d like to have on your shelves will you choose the best undercounter refrigeration model to meet your requirements. Our selection includes models that are panel-ready and available in various sizes and finishes, including stainless steel and black.

This compact, yet powerful Beko refrigerator freezer is designed to be placed under the kitchen worktop. Its capacity is of 101 litres. It features adjustable glass shelves and door hooks to store bottles, condiments and other items. It comes with a large drawer that is crisper for all fresh fruits and veggies.

The four-star freezer compartment has the highest freezer rating, allowing you to store fresh food items quickly and efficiently. The fridge also features a glass shelf with a half-depth that lets you store larger items.

The Active Fresh Blue Light technology is integrated into this refrigerator under the counter to protect the vitamins and flavor of your vegetables and fruits by mimicking natural sunlight to carry on the process of photosynthesis. This ensures that your produce will last longer and taste better. Additionally, IonGuard prevents odour transfer between food items and decreases bacteria growth. This is particularly helpful to keep your refrigerator smell fresh and clean all the time.

Large Salad Crisper Drawer

This under counter fridge beko has a huge crisper drawer for salads. It’s ideal for storing your arugula’s lush arugula and leafy greens and carrots, cucumbers and squash. The compartment is isolated from the rest of the fridge, so it creates a humid environment that can help prolong the freshness of your vegetables.

Most crisper drawers come with adjustable settings that allow you to control the humidity level in each bin. When the setting is set to high humidity the drawer is unable to allow airflow, trapping moist inside, creating a perfect environment for delicate produce like arugula, lettuce, and spinach. When the crisper is set at low humidity, the air can escape freely and aid ethylene emitting fruits, like apples and oranges, which are susceptible to rotting, allowing their freshness for longer.

A wide variety of refrigerators from the KitchenAid brand come with sharper drawer settings that allow you to have more control over storage conditions for your most loved fruits and vegetables. Some models permit you to alter the setting of the drawer to block air from getting out, which may prolong the freshness of produce that is sensitive to humidity. Certain refrigerators come with a handy meter which allows you to switch easily between higher and lower humidities which makes it easier for you to keep food items in line with the requirements of the item.