Large Integrated Fridge Freezer

The huge fridge freezers are invisible since they’re in a flush position with your cabinetry. These concealed fascias conceal an impressive amount of storage space that is customizable to your taste by adding features like wine racks.

If you are replacing an integrated refrigerator freezer, ensure that it has the same design as the door it’s in – either 60:40 or 50:50. Otherwise you may need to make some adjustments.


A fridge freezer that is integrated is a preferred option for people with open-plan kitchens because they can be stored away neatly and give an orderly, neat appearance. However, they generally are smaller in storage capacity than freestanding models since they must fit within the fridge housing cabinet they’re built into.

In narrowing down the models you can easily assess the storage options. If you’re worried about flexibility, you can verify if the drawers and door storage allows you to store food items and drinks in a variety of ways.

For households that like to keep fresh and frozen foods in stock, a 50/50 split is the ideal. There’s plenty of shelf space and door storage space to store both. Certain models come with features like temperature control and hyperFresh. This helps keep food fresh and reduces food waste.


The integrated fridge-freezers are designed to seamlessly into your cabinets, without compromising the style you’ve put so much effort into. By combining a refrigerator and a freezer into one unit that maximizes the space in your kitchen, and also create stunning finishes.

When looking for a large integrated fridge freezer, think beyond the capability to compare things like shelf and door storage. You’ll also want to consider the option of a fixed hinge or sliding model. The choice of the type of installation has a major impact on how the doors fit to the cabinet’s housing and the way you open them.

If you want a modern and stylish kitchen, go for Siemens fridge-freezer models that boast innovative Skin Condenser technology to prevent moisture from forming between the appliance and your walls. These huge fridge freezers come with a range of clever features, including EasyAccess shelves, VitaFresh fruit and vegetable drawers, as well as an outside Ice & Water Dispenser that can deliver water, ice cubes or crushed ice at the touch of a button.

You can also opt for Bosch large fridge freezers that have a split of 70/30 to maximize your fridge space, or 60/40 models for an even mix. The higher ratio in the fridge allows plenty of space for fresh produce, leftovers, and cooking in batches.

Energy efficiency

Many integrated refrigerator freezers come with the latest technology that helps simplify the daily routine and ensures the appliance’s longevity. Some of the most significant advancements have been aimed at reducing the need for manual labor, such as defrosting, which is now often dispensed of entirely with frost-free models.

The most efficient large Integrated Fridge Freezer Uk fridge freezers will have a energy efficiency class of A++ or better This means that you can save money on your electric bills by replacing an old appliance. Energy consumption is also listed on the product pages, so you can check exactly how much you’ll be saving with a new appliances.

You can learn more about the efficiency and cost of a refrigerator freezer that is integrated by visiting the website of the manufacturer or by display the EPREL label on your smartphone. This will give you an annual consumption number in kWh and tell you how much the appliance costs to run per year.

In general integrated refrigerator freezers cost more than freestanding models. However, the additional cost can be worth it if your goal is an aesthetically pleasing kitchen. When calculating your budget, keep in the fact that an cheap integrated fridge freezers model will require a taller cabinet for the housing as well as bridging cabinets when replacing it with an appliance that is freestanding and, therefore, you’ll have to include these additional costs. A model that is integrated has a width of 60cm and can fit in existing cabinets, whereas the freestanding model would not.


A large fridge freezer that is integrated can be a great way to keep your kitchen clean and fashionable. They can be hidden behind cabinet doors, allowing you to maintain a minimalist design and still have the cold storage space you need for fresh food as well as frozen items. Choose a cabinet with an attached door-on-door or fixed fitting that can be fitted to the cabinet door, or a sliding option that slides into a rail that runs along the inside of your cabinet door.

Integrated fridge freezers offer deceptively ample storage space and clever features that will help you store, protect and organise your food. Siemens’ VarioZone allows you to alter the storage of your fridge by adding adjustable shelves and other accessories like salad bins or wine racks. Other options to consider include frost-free technology, which minimises the build-up of ice and cut down on cleaning time.

The capacity of freezers and refrigerators tends to be pretty standard with cheap integrated fridge freezer fridge freezers because they are made to fit into the cabinet of a housing unit and cannot be used freestanding. There are however some differences in the proportions of freezer and fridge space with some models offering a 50:50 split whilst others give you more freezer space than fridge space. Some of our refrigerator freezers with integrated refrigerators include an upright freezer, which is perfect for larger families or those who like to cook in bulk and store meals.